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Wednesday 25 June 2014

윤하 (Younha) – 우리가 헤어진 진짜 이유 (The Real Reason We Broke Up)

Translation Lyrics
The real reason we broke up
I wonder if you know
Although right now,
You probably don’t care at all
The more I understood you, the farther away you got
You didn’t even get angry like before
The more we tried, the more boring you and I got
All you wanted was anticipation
It was just the beginning that you looked at me
There is no real reason why we broke up
You just didn’t love me
There’s no other reason
Oh you just never loved me
Oh now everything is clear
The real reason I loved you
You probably don’t know
Yes, if you did know
You wouldn’t have left me so easily
You dreamed of a new love
I dreamed of an eternal love
The things we looked at were so different, you and I
Each of us wrote of a different love
Each of our ends remain in a different way
There’s no reason for me to forget you completely
If I’m to be left alone here anyway
I’ll stay a bit longer
I had a bad dream
That I fell for you, who came back to me once again
That I accepted you, who just came back however you wanted
All you wanted was anticipation
It was just the beginning that you looked at me
There is no real reason why we broke up
You just didn’t love me
There’s no other reason

Tuesday 3 June 2014

Respek.. Bukan Tespek

Gw (yang sekarang) termasuk orang yang gak gampang terima cerita negatif tentang seseorang dari orang lain. Apalagi kalo gw belum ngerasain sendiri.

Mau orang bilang si A suka nidurin cewe, si B suka nyakitin hati orang, atau si C suka ngegodain laki orang, gw gak akan percaya kalo gw gak liat sendiri atau gak ngalamin sendiri. Terlebih kalau gw udah percaya dan respek sama si A/B/C.

Mau dikata orang si A/B/C hanya pencitraan di depan gw, TERSERAH. Gw hanya percaya sama apa yang mau gw percaya.

Tapi rasa percaya dan respek gw bisa hilang kalau ternyata si A/B/C itu sendiri yang menyebabkan gw ilfil.. Ilang respek, ilang rasa kepercayaan terhadap mereka, atau si A/B/C yang bikin masalah sama gw.

Dan setelah rasa percaya/respek gw hilang, gw udah males berurusan sama si A/B/C.

End.. mending gw gak punya urusan lagi sama mereka. Makanya, sering gw bilang, "Kalau gw udah ilang respek, gw males berurusan. Makanya tolong dijaga!"


Buat yang kepo sama twit-twit nyinyir gw.. Percayalah.. selain kalian, gw masih punya kehidupan di luar sana.. Dan gak semua yang gw twit itu tertuju pada satu objek..

Seperti biasa kalo gw ngetwit.. Sekarang gw fangirling Joongki, 1 detik kemudian gw udah memuja-muja Jongsuk. Begitu juga twit gw yang lain.. Kalo diliat isi TL gw tuh memang random. Pergantian mood twit gw cuma sepersekian menit..

Dan anehnya hari ini banyak yang bikin gw kesel. Tapi setelah gw liat twit-twit gw, kok kayak yang ngomongin satu objek. Padahal hari ini ada beberapa objek yang bikin gw kesel. -_-

Sekali lagi,, buat kalian yang kepo gw kenapa.. Gw cuma bisa bilang, kalo gw udah gak bisa nahan emosi..



Monday 2 June 2014

There's not one in my love story with a happy ending...

"There's not one in my love story with a happy ending. Maybe that's why i was being so stubborn toward the idea of having relationship. It was probably because i was afraid of it, so i never gave him a chance. I was afraid of having a relationship and getting hurt again.."